Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Principle of the Path by Andy Stanley

This is my first Andy Stanley book. I've listened to him and his dad on podcasts. He is as easy to follow as his father and is as easy to follow in written form as he is in spoken. He is a communicator par excellence.
The thesis of the book is that you can get where you want to get to if you choose to focus on the steps to get you there. It's not brain surgery. In fact a few times I found myself having "Aw doh !" moments when think yes well that's plain to see. However what Andy does so well is remind us in a gentle straight forward easily understood way.
He uses the stories so well to illustrate about and from, the points he's trying to make. Old Testament David is his prime narrative source but he intertwines personal experiences too.

All in all a good how to book - that is, how to live a fulfilled life - making choices - taking steps to where you want to get to.

Thanks Andy

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