Friday, January 25, 2008

Cup O' Joe with Bill: For Thinkers Only: Strategy and Execution

Over on a Cup O' Joe Bill asks the question
What's more important:The great execution of a flawed strategy..or a flawed execution of a great strategy?

It's like one of those survey questions where you're given two options and you suppossed to choose one over the other. And of course neither are true or both are equally valid.

If his purpose is to get you to think Bill certainly does that. My thoughts are that it doesn't really matter for a number of reasons:-

If you've been called by God to do something and you're being obedient to that call, what looks flawed maybe achieving exactly the desired effect from God's perspective.

If you're working on a team, flaws are often a catalyst for strengthening relationships, which in the end are more important than any strategy or execution.

On the other hand if you're a person that is able to learn from mistakes then both are important, because both are learning opportunities.
Thanks Bill the answer is Yes :) !

Cup O' Joe with Bill: For Thinkers Only: Strategy and Execution

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