Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Location Location Location!

Just back from out light the night outreach at Church. We invested in a bounce castle. It was a hit with all the kids that came by. We gave out a bunch of goodies to those that came by. The bounce castle afforded us the opportunity of conversation with the kids parents. They expressed gratitude for a break from their trick or treat trekking.
Our location was dictated by the strong prevailing wind. We were situated away from the residential area nearest the church. I saw a lot of families and kids walking down a nearby street.
They seldom changed direction to walk our way. Our location let us down.
That got me to thinking too. Perhaps our invest might have been better used in another location altogether. Perhaps a parent or small group with families would have been able to reach out to their neighbours with the bounce castle and goodies. Something to chew on for next year !
What have you tried at Halloween to connecting with your community ?

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