Friday, July 06, 2007

No more counting attendence ?

I was meaning to comment on this before
Kenspeaks noted back in December that ... BusinessWeek's feature article in the December 11th issue is receiving quite the press. The article talks about Best Buy's innovative new approach to work hours and productivity. The experiment called, "ROWE" which stands for "Results-only work environments" judge people not on the hours they work but rather on what they produce.

He comments that Churches should be more concerned about how people are growing in their faith and not just concerned if people show up. In the article Jody Thompson the programs co-founder states: "For years I been focused on the wrong currency, I was always looking to see if people were here. I should have been looking at what they were getting done."
Jesus does say that by their fruit you will know them (Mt 7:20) not necessarily by their attendance. And pastors mandate is to prepare others for good works (Eph 4:11-12).
But the Christians are reminded to meet together regularly (Heb 10:25).
So I would suggest somewhere in between the two where we look out for each other as afamily of God's people and spur one another on for works of the kingdom.

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